
Thursday, February 21, 2013

The heart of the matter...

I know that you have probably heard it a HUNDRED times by now from your parents, grandparents, friends, co-workers, neighbors... etc. but it's true. It isn't all about the wedding - it's all about the marriage

Does that mean you should settle for styles you don't like or forfeit any fun in your ceremony for more praying and more reading - of course not. It does mean though, that you should take a serious look at your relationship in all of its beautiful, messy entirety and talk about some stuff. It doesn't matter if you have been together for 123439856 years. It doesn't matter if you think you know all the dark and dirty secrets the two of you have. 

Engagement is one of the most incredible time periods in life that you will ever experience. You are literally growing from one single person, to a two for one special. Let that sink in. You will never be in this state of life again (God willing). 

In my personal experience, I didn't really think I "needed" pre-marital counseling. That was for troubled and unsure couples, right? FALSE. I can honestly say that I gained so much more from the discussions brought up, the topics covered, and the simple things shared than I ever thought I would. I grew closer to my now husband than ever before in the 2 previous years that we had been dating. 

It wasn't because we had kept secrets, or not had meaningful talks. It was because we were actively pursuing a purposeful and meaningful marriage and engagement together. I can't say enough about the positive effects of walking though pre-marital counseling together. The peace, closeness, excitement, and joy are things that I deeply desire for every bride and every couple. 

Because of that I am PUMPED to announce that we will be offering a $200 discount for every couple that is going through Christian pre-marital counseling and meets our guidelines for it. YES! That is HALF OFF two of our most popular packages! This is for real! 

If you are interested in getting a copy of our guidelines or viewing our packages and pricing, then email me directly at I would love to work something out with you. 

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