
Friday, May 17, 2013

Vendor Spotlight: Alec Vanderboom Photography

Alec Vanderboom Photography 

I have to give credit where credit is due. Alec has always been one of those people that has inspired me to not settle. He has an adventurous spirit which just draws people to him. Whether in pursuing career ambitions, or moves that might have been scary, he always has made me feel confident in my abilities and creative (even in his creative genius presence). 

This vendor spotlight goes out to him. 

These first few shots are from a wedding I had the privilege of helping Martha Wright (Gracious Occasions) with this last fall. Lauren and Bud were a blast and had some great taste. Their wedding was featured on Green Wedding Shoes - nice job Alec :)  

Something that I love about Alec's photos are the way that he captures moments so perfectly that you can feel like you are there. I love the moments of these photos. 

Each one of Alec's pictures tells a story and it just so happens it is usually one that most people want to be a part of! To learn more about his work or to contact him about taking photos of you, visit his website at 

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